The Key to Owning the Stage and Wowing Your Audience

Master the Stage

When live performing, it's not only entering a space and entertaining—it's gripping your audience's attention, embodying connection and voice that can shape a memory. From audio and stage acting to public speaking and stand-up — if the audience is unimpressed, stage presence is key.

Establishing a strong stage presence is about being comfortable and confident, practicing powerful body language and finding presence in space. But amazing performance skills in a vacuum just won't cut it—you also must keep interacting with your audience to make sure that they keep their interest in your act. Getting the audience involved, from reading their reactions to employing storytelling techniques, will take your performance to the next level.

Also, if you perform in small venues or intimate settings, using the right gear goes a long way toward the delivery. Portable PA systems, microphones, and lighting solutions can help make sure you sound and look your best without taking up too much of the available space.